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  • Sierra Wertz

Do You Need a Business Bestie

There are days where everything is going great. You are happy. Your kids aren't fussy. Laundry is all folded. You got to take an extra long shower this morning. All the things are going good.

I love those days.

However as a mom, entrepreneur, and real life human, I'm well aware that these days are few and far between. More often than not we are living in a state of hectic, stressful, distraction induced life.

We skip breakfast so our stomach is growling, our kids won't take their nap, and we have a stack of papers to go through a mile long. These are the days where I want to sit down at the end of the day and soak in a bubble bath with a glass of merlot.

While that sounds like a great plan we can't just hide out from these hard days and wait til they're over.

So what can we do?

We can find people to connect with who get it.

If I'm being real with you (and I always am) my group of friends that I have known forever have ZERO clue what I actually do. They all work 9-5 jobs. They all hate their bosses. They live for the weekend. They have no interest in running their own business. ( Now I know my girls are reading this. That doesn't mean I don't love you. Because I do. We are just in different mindsets.)

This is a powerful thing to understand.

Because even though they are my closest friends...I can't actually connect with them at all when it comes to business stuff.

I hear things like: "I don't know why you spend so much time working when you could be doing more fun stuff." "If it stresses you out why don't you just stop." "What you're working towards is unrealistic, no one makes that much money at our age."

They don't mean any harm by what they are saying. They truly just don't understand. So I try not to take offense to it. But at the same time it would be nice to have people who support me as well. People who do understand the struggle of entrepreneurship and MOM-ing at the same time.

That is where business besties or even tribes come in.

I have connected with some of the most amazing women ever through Instagram and Facebook. We talk about mom life, we talk about graphics and email lists offering business advice, we complain about our husbands (Cory I love you), we cheer each other on, feature each other’s businesses. Not because we have to but because we truly have made a friendship and friends support friends.

So if you are out there thinking that you want someone who understands.


Stop just thinking it. Go out and engage with the people on your feed. Message the other boss babes you connect with. Reply to their stories when you can relate. Offer advice. Offer love. Offer friendship.

When you are putting yourself out there and building these genuine connections with people a couple things will happen.

A. You’re Instagram and Facebook rank will boost because you are engaging and engagement rate is extremely important.

B. You are nurturing your audience so you may find that once you make these connections you will get more clients or referral leads from these other women.

C. You could start talking to your future business bestie!

Which is the ultimate goal.

So get out there on your account and engage. If having someone or multiple someones that you can connect to is important to you, make sure that you are making engagement high on your priorities list. Plus like I said engagement will also grow your business.

Really it’s a Win Win.

Much love. I hope you have a high vibe rest of your day.

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