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  • Sierra Wertz

Content Planning like a Queen

Which as I'm sure you know is one of my favorite topics to talk about! So get ready for all the goodness in this article.

The most important thing that you need to remember when it comes to content planning is to always speak to your ideal client.

They are the person your content needs to be connecting with. Not you. The biggest mistake many entrepreneurs make is that they create their content based on what they want to hear, and how they feel. What you need to be doing is creating it based on your ideal clients feelings and needs.

As long as you keep them in your head as you create your content I can guarantee that you will create bolder and more powerful content.


Now onto the actual creating and planning part of this process.

1. Use your content in multiple ways. Now I'm not trying to overwhelm you at all by giving you more pieces to create when you're already struggling. I'm trying to help you make the best use of your time spent on creation when you already have a topic in mind that you are connected with.

When you think about content, you have multiple areas to focus on:

-IG grid

-FB post

-FB Group post


-Blog post

-Social media Stories

-Photos for ALL

So figuring out how you can multi-purpose content is huge!

For example:

Say I want to talk about a recipe I have for a healthy but quick dinner. I can create a blog post all about the ingredients in it and why you should eat more of these specific ingredients. Then I can create a Story collage of me making this meal. An instagram post that references the informational blog post. In that original blog post you can say that the recipe for this meal and others will be shared in your monthly email newsletter and have a sign up form attached. Then inside your FB group you can share about signing up for your mailing list to get exclusive access to this healthy recipe.

You just took one piece of content and used it in 4 different ways and connected with your audience across different platforms and styles of use. Which is huge!

Not everyone uses the same platform or responds to the same type of content. I may be a visual connector so I need to see you making the meal, or maybe I am a researcher and need to know why I should be eating the meal in the first place.

Each way of providing content could be connecting with a different form of your ideal client.

And the ultimate goal here is to connect with them right?


2. Make sure you are in a good place when you are creating.

A lot of people tell me that they post a certain number of times a week. Even on the days they don't want to post. They create a post and share it anyway because that is what they committed to.

The problem with this is that you are not coming from a place of POSITIVITY. And no one is going to want to connect with someone who isn't connected with themselves.

My tip for this is to create multiple posts on different topics of content on the days that you are feeling it.

Prep for the days where you know you will not be creative. We ALL have them. So don't feel alone in it. Just plan ahead for it.

Get yourself in a really good mood. Listen to a podcast. Do some journaling. Whatever you need to do to get in a high vibe mode. Then block out some time in your schedule and just create. Batch a bunch of content and save it for those emotional "rainy days" where you can't come up with anything that really speaks to someone.


3. Captions are not the only part of content you need to focus on.


Your audience wants that extra level of connection.

They want to see your face. Hear your voice. Listen to what a client has to say. See results. See what you're doing. Feel your energy. Look into your eyes. All of it is important when it comes to furthering your love for them.

Photos and videos are the best way to build that Like, Know, and Trust factor with your audience.

It shows that you are real, willing to go the extra mile, and that you are comfortable with being uncomfortable (because most people don't feel comfortable in front of the camera).

You can also pre-plan your photos and videos just like content. Get yourself in that high vibe mode and then talk for a minute or two in front of the camera on each topic. Change your shirt. Walk to a different part of your house and smile. Whatever works for you.

But batch it ahead of time.


This is my tips and tricks on how you can Plan Content like the Queen I know you are!

But just because I am feeling extra giving today, I want to share something special with you. My content calendar for September.

You can get access to it by clicking below!

I want you to stop feeling overwhelmed when it comes to creating content and start to feel so excited you jump for joy like I do.

It can be fun!

Much love.

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