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  • Sierra Wertz

The Power of Video Marketing

Yes this is a real thing.

I want you to know that as a social media coach and manager I see all kinds of content creation and marketing strategies. Video marketing gets the best results by far.

If you are trying to grow your business in the online space I am telling you, video is the way to go.


It's all about the connection factor. The like, know, & trust that you hear me talk so much about. Your audience wants to see you & hear you, it makes you more relatable.

Think about when you read a book and then the movie comes out. Everyone rants and raves about the movie. How great it was. That one scene that they loved. 60% of the people that went to see the movie never even read the book.

Our society connects more and more with videos over written content.

Now don't get me wrong, written content is still amazing, but you do need to work video marketing into your strategy plan as well.

If you don't have a strategy plan at all, let's connect and we can create one together!


Video Marketing tips!

Okay so you are ready to get into video marketing, now for the fun part. How do you do it?

It all starts with setting a goal for yourself.

Some of you may know that being on video, especially LIVE video was one of the hardest things for me in the beginning.

I would go, I would cough and choke, no would show up and I would jump off right away, and I saved/shared none of the videos I was doing.

But I knew it was important to overcome this fear and be able to show up on video.

So in the beginning of 2019 I set a goal for myself. I was to go live every Friday at 12pm EST and do an empowering video.

I tried to talk myself out of it every Friday in January and February but I didn't. I showed up. I did the video. I shared it. Then I moved on.

I realized after a couple times that hopping on video doesn't have to be scary. It doesn't have to be hard.

Now don't get me wrong I still get nervous sometimes when I am planning on creating a video, but I know have procedures in place to help me get ready for them.

So step 1 to video marketing 101 by me, set a goal that you have to hold yourself accountable to, and consistently do. One live a week. One IGTV a week. Story video 2 times a week. Whatever you want it to be.

Next is the fun part. The mindset behind being authentic.

When you are on video, especially live video, your audience sees all. They see the way you keep twisting in your seat or fidgeting with your hair.

They hear you totally choke on your words or talk so much you run out of air.

They see the big zit on your face or hear your kids screaming in the background.

What you need to remember is that this is OK!!

You're human. You shouldn't look pristine and perfect and never have a flaw. That would be weirder.

Don't stop the video or delete it when you rewatch it later, let it play out. Having flaws and being yourself just allows you to connect with your audience more.

Step 2 = Be your authentic and weird self.

Now when it comes to your content for this video there are a couple ways you come up with how to go about it.

- Plan it all out and rehearse it..... I do not recommend this, but if you are really nervous on camera a nice way to get over this is to create a video off of some old content you created. That way it is all written out and you know it, but it is still fresh and should allow you to not be so nervous.

- Bullet point topics. For example if you are a mindset coach, you can come up with the topic limiting beliefs, then put a point to remember a certain limiting belief you overcame, a result you had when you helped someone overcome theirs, X Y & Z. That way you don't have to have it all planned and seem rehearsed, but it can still be genuine and authentic.

- Spur of the moment. This can be a lot of fun, and my favorite method of choice. However it can also be nerve racking if you are not comfortable enough yet on video. Try working up to spur of the moment ones.

Just make sure that if you are talking about a topic you don't stray too far from it. No if you are just showing up to connect or doing an ask me anything or something silly and fun go for it.

But when you have a topic, you are promoting that too people, and then they hop on to watch your video and you are talking about something completely different, they leave or get confused snd then leave.

You have to make sure you are keeping your audience engaged!

Step 3 of the wonderful mind of Sierra's Video tips...make sure that you are ready with what content you will be talking about for the video.

Final tip for you is to start your video off right away.

I watch a lot of videos and I help a lot of my clients do videos. One of the most common things I see is people wait to start the video.

"I'm just waiting for a couple people to come on, hows your day so far? Blah blah blah..."

You know the ones. If this is you, don't worry, it is fixable.

The reason that this is so important is because you will get way more people that watch the replay than will be on live.

If I hop on to watch the replay, you have to make sure that I am engaged and want to stay.

I don't want to wait for you to start the video or let me know what you will be talking about, I want to get started right away on your awesomeness.

Step 4 = Start your video don't wait around.

I hope these tips were helpful to you.

I know how important video marketing is to your business growth and I hope that I was able to give you some tips to get started on your video strategy.

Let me know if you have any questions about how to start.

Much love. I hope you have a high vibe rest of your day.

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